Greenpeace’s new Palm Oil Alert investigates and exposes the companies destroying the world’s rainforests for profit.

For years Greenpeace has called out the palm oil industry for razing rainforests and carving up carbon-rich peatlands.
Thanks to supporters like you, the big companies like Nestle, Unilever and Procter & Gamble that use palm oil have pledged not to buy from palm oil companies that destroy forests or abuse workers or local communities.
Now you may be asking: are companies following through on their pledges? Greenpeace is focused on ensuring they do.
On March 31, 2017 Greenpeace released its first Palm Oil Alert to challenge consumer companies and leading palm oil traders to follow through on their ‘no deforestation’ commitments.

Every issue will profile a palm oil company we’ve caught destroying rainforests. We want to know whether big-brands and the traders that sell palm oil to them are doing business with these dodgy companies. And we’re not just exposing bad actors; we’re asking brands what they are going to do about them. We’ll let you know what we find out.
Our first target has a pleasant-sounding name — Goodhope — but a terrible track record. It’s a palm oil producer headquartered in Singapore, with 15 plantations in Indonesia and four in Malaysia. Our investigators found that Goodhope has been destroying forests in Papua, much of it illegally. Local communities have accused it of taking their land and bulldozing their farms. Yet some palm oil giants have been turning a blind eye to Goodhope’s destruction — which is why we’re exposing the company and demanding they act.
Words and promises can’t stop deforestation. Only action can save our rainforests. Stay tuned as we continue to hold corporations accountable.