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Whaling, Activism, and Human Rights
This will be the first blog Toru and I have written together, as up until recently our heavy bail restrictions have meant that we could not be in the same room or even talk to each other without a lawyer present. The verdict in our trial is approaching, and on Monday September 6 we will…
How far would you go to help save the whales?
International human rights experts Dirk Voorhoof and Serge Gutwirth have co-authored a thought provoking article about the right to protest under threat. Check it out on the ABC Unleashed site here: Professor Dirk Voorhoof recently provided testimony in the case again the Tokyo Two, our activists who risked jail time for exposing the fraud that…
GUILTY! UN finds Japanese authorities violated human rights of Greenpeace anti-whaling activists
Press release – 8 February, 2010The United Nations has ruled that the Japanese Government breached international human rights law by detaining two Greenpeace activists who uncovered major corruption in the Japanese whaling programme. (1)One week before the "Tokyo Two", Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki, stand trial on February 15th, it has been revealed that the…
How Independent Is The Japanese Judiciary?
Greenpeace activists Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki, better known as the Tokyo Two, are on trial for intercepting a box of whale meat as part of an investigation into an embezzlement ring within Japan’s taxpayer-funded ‘research’ whaling programme. The Japanese government subsidises the loss-making whaling programme to the tune of US$5 million a year, making…
Climate of creative disobedience
“If you disobey a police directive, there is a risk you will be arrested and charged with trespass,” I explained gently to countless groups of people as they lined the front of Parliament House yesterday. Around two and half thousand people of all ages and from all over Australia gathered to encircle federal Parliament on…
Why I joined the Sydney Walk Against Warming
The 2008 Walk Against Warming in Sydney was a fantastic experience. I walked because I believe we all need to act together to ensure a clean, green future for ourselves and all future generations. I was moved to see so many people and various organisation there showing solidarity for the climate movement. I was especially…
The road ahead
An end of year message from the Greenpeace climate campaign team As the dust settles after a fractious UN climate conference in Bali, and we drift into the long, hot, summer break, it’s time to thank all of you for playing your part in turning up the heat for climate change action during 2007, and…