Jess Panegyres – Greenpeace Australia Pacific Greenpeace Australia Pacific Mon, 15 Apr 2024 05:51:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jess Panegyres – Greenpeace Australia Pacific 32 32 Greenpeace Welcomes Crucial Steps Towards Clean Energy Transition In WA Mon, 19 Feb 2024 23:35:00 +0000 Greenpeace Australia Pacific has today welcomed news from Minister Bowen that consultation will soon be underway for a proposed Bunbury offshore wind zone – an investment that will unlock thousands of renewable energy jobs and cleaner, cheaper energy for West Australians.

Wind farms in fields

Western Australia is one of the windiest places in the world, and with our skilled workforce and export infrastructure, WA is perfectly placed to become a renewable energy superpower,” Greenpeace Australia Pacific Head of Climate and Energy Jess Panegyres said today.

“Today’s announcement from Minister Bowen marks a clear investment in WA’s clean energy future – it will deliver thousands of sustainable jobs in the clean energy sector and lower energy costs. 

“Western Australia is in the grips of the climate crisis, and so many of us are being crunched by rising costs of living. 

“It makes sense, both environmentally and economically, to invest in renewables and ensure a cleaner, safer future for West Australian communities. The overall environmental benefit of wind farms is a win for nature and our climate.

“We don’t need more polluting fossil fuels like gas for local energy or export revenue when we have all we need, right here and now, to provide West Australians with a sustainable future,” Ms Panegyres added.


As WA Temperatures Smash Records, Woodside’s Gas Plans To Worsen Extreme Heat: Greenpeace AP Thu, 08 Feb 2024 22:02:00 +0000 An approval of fossil giant Woodside Energy’s plans for the Burrup Hub gas project – Australia’s biggest climate threat – would only exacerbate extreme heat in WA, Greenpeace Australia Pacific said today.

The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast yet another heatwave for Perth with Friday and Saturday expected to reach a top of 41C.

“Heatwaves and extreme weather are linked to fossil fuel-driven climate change. We will only see more of these kinds of heatwaves and extreme weather if Woodside is allowed to develop massive new fossil fuel projects in WA,” Greenpeace Australia Pacific Head of Climate and Energy Jess Panegyres said today.

“Heatwaves put lives, livelihoods, and communities at risk. Soaring temperatures not only pose individual health dangers but also put entire ecosystems and communities at increased.

“Companies like Woodside are fanning the flames of climate change by pushing ahead with polluting fossil fuel projects.

“Global heating, caused mainly by the extraction and burning of coal, oil and gas, is driving the radical destabilisation of our climate.

“Woodside’s massive Burrup Hub project is far and away the most polluting fossil fuel proposal in Australia – it’s a disaster in the making for our environment and our climate. Extreme heat is just one of the devastating consequences that West Australians will suffer, should this project go ahead.”

Woodside Cannot Be Trusted To Protect Australia’s Interests Mon, 22 Jan 2024 04:11:00 +0000 In response to the Federal Government’s announcement that it will increase gas supply from Woodside and Esso to the east coast, the following statement can be attributed to Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s Head of Climate and Energy Jess Panegyres

Woodside Energy’s North West Shelf (NWS) gas project on the Burrup Peninsula, Western Australia. © Greenpeace
Woodside Energy’s North West Shelf (NWS) gas project on the Burrup Peninsula, Western Australia. © Greenpeace

“Gas companies have fuelled Australia’s cost-of-living crisis, with profiteering leading to federal government intervention in 2022. Companies like Woodside have made historic profits while Australians suffer.

“This deal cannot become an excuse to give Woodside what it wants from the federal government, which is approval for Australia’s biggest new fossil fuel project, the Burrup Hub. Woodside has a history of pursuing its profits over the best interests of Australians, and Greenpeace is worried Woodside will use this deal to bully the federal government into approving its fossil fuel expansion plans.

“Gas is a fossil fuel that is driving dangerous climate change, and it’s already costing Australians in climate impacts and high energy prices. There’s no place for Woodside’s dangerous gas expansion plans if we want a safer climate future. The cheapest new energy in Australia is clean, green renewables in wind and solar – lowering costs for ordinary Australians while protecting our planet.”


Saving Scott Reef Mon, 04 Dec 2023 13:00:00 +0000 This is Scott Reef, home to endangered whales and turtles and thousands of corals. The ship – Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior – marks the spot where fossil fuel giant Woodside wants to drill for gas.

Aerial view of North Scott Reef. In this photo the Rainbow Warrior depicts the approximate location where Woodside intends to drill for gas for its Browse project. This location has been determined using GPS coordinates provided by Woodside in its Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Millions of years ago, a massive barrier reef – as big as the Great Barrier Reef – stretched along the coast of what is now northern WA. Over time the reef retreated. Now all that remains is a series of isolated atolls Ashmore Reef, Seringapatam and Scott Reef, and the Rowley Shoals.

Aerial view of Scott Reef

You might not have heard much about Scott Reef, but it’s a pretty special place. Scott Reef consists of two formations, North Scott Reef and horseshoe-shaped South Reef. This oceanic reef system includes a third formation – Seringapatam Reef – which is about 30km to the north east of Scott Reef.

This is an image of Seringapatam Reef, part of the same reef system as Scott Reef, and the Rainbow Warrior

We were lucky enough to visit the Scott Reef system in May 2023 when the Rainbow Warrior toured Western Australia. The waters surrounding the three reefs are teeming with life. There are at least 29 species of marine mammals; 41 species of birds; almost 1,000 species of fish; sharks, sea snakes, rays, sawfish and many more amazing and unique animals – some of which haven’t been found anywhere else. 

Corals in Scott Reef
Sea snake near Scott Reef

Scott Reef is a critical spot for endangered pygmy blue whales (EPBC Act). Each autumn, thousands of whales migrate up the coast of Western Australia, traveling from the cool waters of southern Australia to the tropics. In spring, they migrate south again, spending the summer in Tasmania, Victoria and southern Western Australia before swimming north again. 

Pygmy blue whales in WA

The whales’ migration path takes them right past Scott Reef. Although we don’t know for sure, many whale experts believe that Scott Reef is an aquatic Driver Reviver – a place for pygmy blue whales (and other migratory species) to stop and feed before continuing their journey. 

Green turtles in Scott Reef

Nestled in between North and South Scott Reef is Sandy Islet – a tiny spit of sand where up to a thousand endangered (IUCN; vulnerable – EPBC Act) green sea turtles lay their eggs every year. Adult sea turtles are migratory and swim up to thousands of kilometres to get here. 

Turtle nesting on Sandy Islet at Scott Reef

Females nesting near Sandy Islet are highly dependent on the food-rich waters around Scott Reef to sustain them during this exhausting period. A few months later, the newly hatched green turtles make their way to the ocean and the cycle begins again.

Image showing the approximate location where Woodside intends to drill for gas for its Browse project. This location has been determined using GPS coordinates provided by Woodside in its Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Like all coral reefs, Scott Reef is threatened by rising sea levels and warming oceans caused by climate change. Yet it faces an additional threat: fossil fuel giant Woodside. Browse, Australia’s largest untapped conventional gas reserve, lies directly underneath Scott Reef. 

Woodside wants to drill up to 50 wells to develop Browse – and pump the gas buried deep under the reef hundreds of kilometres to shore to be processed and exported overseas.

Woodside drilling an exploration well at Scott Reef. © Woodside Energy

Woodside’s dirty gas could be a disaster for Scott Reef and the wildlife that depends upon it. It would turn this pristine reef and surrounding waters into an industrial gas zone blighted by seismic blasting, gas flaring, drilling and pipelaying. 

The climate change produced by Woodside’s dirty gas would contribute to ocean warming, which causes coral bleaching and seriously harms marine life. And if one of Woodside’s wells suffered a blowout – well, the consequences of a worst-case spill here are unthinkable.

Thankfully, there’s still time to stop Woodside. Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, will soon be reviewing Woodside’s plans. Contact your MP today and let them know that you want Scott Reef protected from Woodside and its dirty gas. 

P.S. It has come to our attention that previously Greenpeace has inadvertently used an image of an adjacent reef to depict Scott Reef. The correct image is used above (Image 1). Greenpeace apologises for any confusion caused.
