Climate Solutions – Greenpeace Australia Pacific Greenpeace Australia Pacific Wed, 24 Apr 2024 06:59:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Climate Solutions – Greenpeace Australia Pacific 32 32 ‘We Will Keep Fighting’: COP28 Secures Consensus On Ending Fossil Fuels, But Without The Actions Needed To Get There Wed, 13 Dec 2023 01:32:00 +0000 The latest Global Stocktake from COP28 in Dubai has been adopted with strong words but no plan of action to end fossil fuels — seen as a key marker of success from this year’s conference. The consensus from the 198 country delegation was reached on Wednesday.

Global Stocktake from COP28 in Dubai

This year’s conference saw the first Global Stocktake (GST) of the world’s progress towards meeting its Paris Agreement commitment to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees. There were high hopes from both the host nation and those attending that the Dubai COP would be a landmark event, where strong language and a clear timeline around fossil fuel phase out would be adopted, signalling the end of the fossil fuel era. 

Hard-fought battles waged over key elements of the GST text, from fossil fuel phase-out to phase-down, the use of so-called ‘abatement’ measures, and the need for financial support for the most climate-vulnerable nations, including the Pacific, who fought for the GST text to be adopted as whole package, rather than a menu of options. 

CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific, David Ritter, said that while the final text is not what the world needs or deserves, Australia must now step-up on the international stage and commit to accelerating climate action domestically.

“While this isn’t what we hoped for, the text sends a clear message that there is an overwhelming momentum to end the fossil fuel era . Now we need developed countries to take the lead — to transition their economies in a way that is fast, fair and places justice at its core, and to offer financial support to the most climate-vulnerable nations.

“In his National Address at COP28, Minister Bowen gave us a glimmer of hope that he is ready to turn around a decade of climate inaction by previous governments. Now, Australia must turn this positive rhetoric into real action and to deliver the ambitious program of change that Australia needs to transition our energy systems and keep 1.5 degrees alive.

“We urge Minister Bowen to take every action possible at home to align our domestic emissions pathways to 1.5 degrees — that means no new coal and gas, and an end to fossil fuel subsidies. These are actions that the Albanese government can take right now and that will send a strong signal to our Pacific neighbours that we are standing with you, that we will fight for you.”

Speaking from Dubai, Head of Pacific at Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Shiva Gounden, said that while there is limited progress in the final text, it does not go anywhere far enough to address the climate destruction being faced by communities across the globe.

“We’re deeply disappointed by the final text which, although recognises the science and the urgency of 1.5 degrees, ignores what the science is screaming at us to do and offers false solutions, rather than real actions. 1.5 degrees is not just an ambition — it’s a lifeline for Pacific communities facing an existential threat to their survival.

“As always, the resilient and powerful people of the Pacific will keep fighting. We’ve had some hard-fought wins, such as the operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund on Day 1 which saw many nations step-up to start filling it. It is unfortunate that Australia chose not to commit to this critical fund and to acknowledge its role as a major contributor to the climate crisis globally.

“If Minister Bowen is serious in his commitment to our Pacific family, he must go beyond piecemeal announcements and address the elephant in the room — the expansion of the fossil fuel industry in Australia. By exporting fossil fuels, we are exporting climate destruction. I implore the Minister to accelerate climate action domestically and to ensure our emissions reductions targets are in line with a 1.5 degree future — the Pacific’s survival depends on it.”

Head of Climate and Energy at Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Jess Panegyres, said that while having the words ‘transitioning away from fossil fuels’ in the final text is an important signal, it’s far from the historic outcome that the world hoped for.

“The world has agreed on what’s needed – “transitioning away from fossil fuels” – but there is no action plan to do this yet. We will keep fighting for the action needed to keep 1.5 alive. To meet this COP28 commitment we must stop approving new coal and gas projects, stop subsidising fossil fuels and start paying into the Loss and Damage Fund.

“It was encouraging to hear Minister Bowen speak so strongly and passionately at his national address in Dubai about the need to phase out fossil fuels and take our commitment to 1.5 degrees seriously. Now, this must translate into real action at home. And the first step is not opening up new mega fossil fuel projects like Woodside’s Burrup Hub.

“Recently released data compiled by Greenpeace estimated that if all the coal and gas projects currently undergoing federal approvals went ahead, they would release a 20 billion tonne carbon bomb across their lifetimes — that’s equal to 14 times our domestic emissions. Expanding fossil fuels is not compatible with limiting warming to 1.5 degrees. 

“Australia is perfectly placed to become a renewable energy superpower and reap the benefits of a clean, green economic future. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get on with the work of transitioning away from fossil fuels.”


As Transport Emissions Accelerate, Government Must Deliver On Strong Fuel Efficiency Standards For A Safer Climate Thu, 24 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 As the Federal Government’s pledge to introduce vehicle pollution caps receives “overwhelming” support, the Government must now deliver on an ambitious, strong, loophole-free standards that delivers real emissions reductions for the sake of communities, and our planet.

“Australians want access to more affordable electric vehicles, but right now, we’re being held back by a lack of strong fuel efficiency standards. Strong vehicle pollution caps will be crucial if Australia is to meet our climate targets,” Greenpeace Australia Pacific campaigner Joe Rafalowicz said today.

“Yet we know that the petrol-pushing car lobby are determined to sway policy-makers to weaken this vital climate legislation. 

“We urge the Federal Government not to be distracted or delayed by any push from the  petrol car lobbyists to include so-called ‘multiplier credits’ in a fuel efficiency scheme. 

“In a climate crisis, we don’t have time for dodgy accounting tricks or ‘double dipping’, which petrol car lobbyists want to use to obscure their climate wrecking-emissions’

“Unlocking Australia’s supply of affordable, accessible electric cars through strong fuel efficiency standards will slam the brakes on Australia’s accelerating transport pollution, and help Australians manage record fuel prices in a cost of living crisis. 

“What we need are real solutions, which means real world emissions reductions. The Australian public have spoken – they want access to safer, cleaner transport that won’t cost us the Earth or our hip pocket. A strong scheme without loopholes or accounting tricks is crucial to achieving just that,” Mr Rafalowicz added.


The role of critical minerals in Australia’s clean energy transition Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:00:00 +0000 What are critical minerals and why are they important?
This blog explores the role of critical minerals mining in Australia’s clean energy transition and highlights some key principles to guide us to minimise potential social and environmental impacts.


Australia is one of the world’s largest exporters of critical minerals including lithium, cobalt and manganese, with a significant role to play in the transition to a fossil-fuel-free and renewable-powered future. 

With this prominence comes important questions about the role critical minerals have in shaping the country’s sustainable path. As global demand for critical minerals continues to rise, it’s important that we approach mineral extraction, processing, use, reuse and recycling and disposal with care and responsibility.

The following blog explores the role of critical minerals mining in Australia’s clean energy transition and highlights some key principles to guide us to minimise potential social and environmental impacts.


Why are critical minerals important?

Critical minerals are essential for manufacturing various technologies that are integral to our modern world, including mobile phones, computers, banknotes, fibre-optic cables and medical equipment. These minerals are also instrumental in Australia’s transition towards clean energy, powering rechargeable batteries, electric vehicles, wind turbines and solar panels.

As nations unite under the landmark Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty on climate change, the commitment to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is paramount for protecting our climate, nature and humanity. By harnessing critical minerals, Australia can play its part in helping our country and the world break free from reliance on climate-destroying fossil fuels.


What role does Australia play?

Australia plays a pivotal role in the global landscape of critical minerals, as the world’s largest exporter of lithium and the third-largest producer of cobalt. Additionally, the country 

produces other vital rare earth elements such as manganese, nickel and copper, as highlighted in S&P Global’s 2021 Mining By The Numbers report.

This means Australia has the potential to contribute to the climate change fight by becoming a leading exporter of materials, cutting-edge technology and valuable expertise. By harnessing these resources, the country can create a thriving clean energy industry and generate new trade and job opportunities. However, this means Australia also has a critical responsibility to ensure that the mining, processing and manufacturing of critical minerals is carried out in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.


Does clean energy mean less mining? 

The short answer is yes, a clean energy future can reduce the scale and volume of mining overall.

Various studies, including the International Energy Agency’s Energy Technology Perspectives 2023 report have indicated that transitioning to a renewable energy-based economy will involve less mining and processing compared to one that is fossil fuel-based.

While fossil fuels are dug up, transported around the world, and burnt once to create energy, critical minerals can be re-used and then recycled multiple times.  

To put it in perspective, approximately 15 billion tonnes of fossil fuels are currently mined and extracted each year. In contrast, the global mining of critical minerals for low-carbon energy amounted to seven million tonnes in 2020. While this amount could increase to 28 million tonnes per year according to the International Energy Agency, that equates to about 535 times less mining than under the current fossil fuelled system.  

By transitioning from fossil fuel-powered energy to an all-renewable electric energy system, we have the potential to drastically reduce the need for extensive mining activities, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Can we reduce the environmental and social impact?

The reality though is all mining activity can have significant negative environmental and social impacts. 

To minimise these impacts, it’s crucial to reduce the overall amount of materials extracted, prioritise their use for climate solutions, maximise the utilisation of recycled materials, and ensure protection of the environment and human rights in the process.

The following guidelines outline ways in which Australia and the world must approach the use of critical minerals more responsibly:


1. Protect the rights of First Nations people

The rights of indigenous people, local communities, and the social wellbeing of workers are vital.

Securing the free, prior and informed consent of First Nations peoples before undertaking any mining activities is essential and project proponents must ensure that the benefits are shared with traditional landowners.

2. Protect biodiversity and climate hotspots

We must not repeat the same extractive model that has contributed to climate change. 

Extraction should be limited to areas far away from biodiversity and climate hotspots such as High Conservation Value areas (HCVs), primary forest and Intact Forest Landscapes (IFL), High Carbon Stock forests (HCS), critical natural wetlands, including peatlands, grassland and shrubland ecosystems, and deep sea areas. 

3. Say no to deep sea mining

Deep sea mining has no place in our oceans. The urgent implementation of a global moratorium on deep sea mining is crucial to conserve and protect our marine ecosystems.

Greenpeace has called on vehicle manufacturers to cease sourcing minerals from deep sea mining, and companies such as BMW, Volvo, Volkswagen, Renault and Rivian have already committed to this.  

4. Adopt circular economy principles

Embracing the reuse and recycling of materials can reduce the environmental impacts of mining and extend the life cycle of materials. 

While fossil fuels are burnt once, major battery inputs like lithium and copper can be recycled multiple times. By 2040, recycled materials have the potential to supply over half of the essential elements for new batteries, even with growing battery demand. Large companies with high use rates of minerals, such as electric car company Polestar, have declared their intention to transition to a closed-loop system. This approach must be scaled and accelerated.


5. Invest in innovative technologies

Governments and corporations must support research and development in, and adoption of,   more efficient battery technology that reduces dependence on mined minerals. 

Battery technology is already improving quickly – wind turbine and electric vehicle manufacturers have been successful in reducing the mineral content of their products year on year. According to WWF’s The Future Is Circular report, the rapid evolution of the sector is likely to lead to a significant reduction in the need for minerals per unit manufactured.

6. Reduce the demand for critical minerals

The world after a successful clean energy transition will not resemble the world we know today.

Significant reductions in the demand for critical minerals can be achieved through societal and policy changes. For example, instead of a one-for-one replacement of internal combustion engines with electric vehicles, we must focus on having fewer cars on the road by investing in affordable and accessible public transport, improving micro-mobility infrastructure, and changing societal expectations to include more shared journeys.


Greenpeace aims to foster an informed dialogue around the responsible use of critical minerals. Join us as we embark on this journey to build a cleaner, greener future for Australia and the world.

The real reason people are obsessed with stopping Woodside Wed, 09 Aug 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Last week, WA Premier Roger Cook asked “what is it about people’s obsession with Woodside?” Given the millions Woodside has spent on constructing the lie that it is a good corporate citizen of Western Australia, plastering its logo all across our beloved sporting and cultural institutions, it’s an understandable query.

It is also a question that deserves a clear answer, so here it goes: people in WA and around the world are increasingly focussed on Woodside because of the huge threat it poses to WA’s oceans and wildlife, and to our global climate. 

There is mounting disgust at the impunity with which Woodside is being allowed to proceed with its destructive plans. As Tim Winton has said “we can’t keep averting our gaze and pretending that this isn’t happening”. 

Just last week, Woodside got the green light from the regulator to start seismic blasting off WA’s north-west coast. Right now, Woodside’s blasting ship is headed toward WA’s coastline. Soon, there will be underwater sonic cannons exploding in the habitat of endangered whales. 

As the shocking recent footage of beaching pilot whales at Cheynes Beach showed, cetaceans are deeply sensitive to changes in their environment. Seismic blasting is incredibly loud and can damage the hearing of whales, leaving the creatures unable to navigate, communicate or forage for food. A deaf whale is a dead whale.

And it is not only the whales. Some of the most incredible and pristine places in our oceans – jewels like Scott Reef, Rowley Shoals, Mermaid Sound and even the world-famous Ningaloo Reef – are all at risk. 

Woodside wants to run pipelines and drill for gas on the fringes of some of Australia’s most intact coral reefs. Whether or not you’re an environmentalist, no one can deny the value of the billions of dollars these fishing, diving, and tourism hotspots bring to the WA economy every year. All that could be lost because of Woodside’s corporate greed.

Then there’s the straight out climate impacts. We’ve already seen our state and country burn, flood, and crack under unprecedented weather extremes, supercharged by climate change that is driven by the burning of coal, oil, and gas. It’s the same confronting story the world over. 

Not only is Woodside perpetuating harm, it’s also stopping progress on solutions. 

For instance, modelling commissioned by Woodside from the CSIRO demonstrated that Woodside’s gas exports risked crowding out the growth of renewable energy in Asia – this was a report Woodside tried to suppress, but journalists uncovered through freedom of information requests. 

Woodside has also made claims about the local business benefits for its gas, which are baseless. Most of the gas from Scarborough and Browse will be exported so it won’t have a significant impact on the Australian grid. 

And by attempting to lock in decades of future gas extraction, Woodside is crowding out clean energy, making it difficult for governments and businesses to invest in renewable infrastructure and supply. This makes it more expensive for polluting-but-essential industries like steel and mining to switch to clean energy, and means that West Australians get left behind as other nations take the prize share of jobs and opportunities from the global shift to clean, low-emissions energy and resources. 

This is the context in which Woodside is pushing ahead with the Burrup Hub, which involves drilling multiple wells across two huge massive offshore gas fields and extending the operations of gas infrastructure until 2070. 

Woodside knows full well that if it goes ahead, the Burrup Hub will be Australia’s dirtiest fossil fuel project, producing the equivalent of more than 12 times Australia’s annual domestic climate pollution. But Woodside apparently doesn’t care, so long as it can deliver short-term profits to shareholders.

Going back to the Premier’s question – which he asked in the context of some protestors turning up outside Woodside CEO Meg O’Neill’s house last week – it’s no wonder that so many people are obsessed with stopping Woodside. 

And it is a shame that the protestors became the story – rather than that Woodside had been given the green light to blast the ocean.

The quiet frustration is growing, amongst ordinary people who are worried about the future and are fed up with Woodside being allowed to chuck a spanner in the works.

There is a rising tide of determination that the state’s future can be clean, safe, and prosperous – powered by renewable energy. The real obsession is with building that better future; which is why so many West Australians are now determined to stop Woodside. You can join them.

Tell Woodside it’s time to walk away from its toxic gas project.

David Ritter is the CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Greenpeace Joins Pasifika Leaders And Activists For Kioa Climate Dialogue Tue, 08 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Greenpeace Australia Pacific has joined civil society groups, Pasifika activists and climate leaders on Kioa island, Fiji, as part of a regional dialogue to progress key climate issues facing the region.

Minister of Finance and Climate Change in Tuvalu, Seve Paeniu is greeted by community, Greenpeace and CSOs 1 (1)

From August 7-9, more than sixty civil society representatives from across the Pacific came together on the remote island of Kioa for a ‘talanoa’ or discussion as part of the next stage of the Kioa Climate Emergency Declaration.

Over two days, delegates discussed pressing climate issues facing Pacific communities, and progressing the design of a regional finance mechanism, the Kato Pacific Community Climate Fund.

Sepesa Rasili, Senior Campaigner at Greenpeace Australia Pacific, said the dialogue highlighted the urgent need for global and regional solutions to the climate crisis.

“Pacific Island nations have been leading the way on a range of climate issues, from the establishment of a Loss and Damage fund at COP27, to calls for a moratorium on Deep Sea Mining, and the historic Pacific-led campaign for an advisory opinion on the human rights impacts of climate change from the International Court of Justice,” he said.

“The Kato Pacific Community Climate Fund is yet another example of Pacific Island leadership and an illustration to the rest of the world of what’s possible when civil society organisations and governments work together with the collective goal of climate justice.

“We are humbled to have been included in this process and remain committed to working alongside our allies in the Pacific and amplifying the demands they have developed in recognition of the unique challenges that the region is facing.

“Greenpeace Australia Pacific will continue to escalate key demands within the Kioa Declaration in recognition of Australia’s position as a global laggard on climate and a major contributor to the climate crisis — that means no new coal, oil and gas approvals and no more fossil fuel subsidies.

“We also call on Minister Penny Wong to make the strongest possible submission to the International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion.”

The residents of Kioa island are descendents of Vaitupu in Tuvalu who began migrating to the Fijian island in the 1940’s. They identify as Tuvaluan, and speak and practise the unique language and culture of Tuvalu. Kioa is considered an example of a successful model for future climate migration, one which preserves culture and human dignity.

In his opening address to the conference, Guest of Honour the Hon. Seve Paeniu, the Tuvalu Minister for Finance and Climate Change, said high emitting countries must act to protect Pacific nations from rising seas as a matter of moral principle.

“The Pacific island countries contribute the least to the cause of climate change, and yet we do not only suffer the most damage in terms of the impacts of climate change, but we have to consequently bear the heaviest price in terms of cost of adaptation and mitigation,” he said.

“It is within this context that this Kato conference held in Kioa is very timely and visionary.”

The Kato Fund is seen as a powerful vehicle to amplify the unique challenges and solutions small Pacific communities face, and an opportunity to strengthen collaboration across the region.

The Rainbow Warrior leaves Kioa today for Rabi Island to celebrate International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, before returning to Suva. The ship has been travelling across the Pacific since June, sailing around Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Fiji in solidarity with climate impacted communities and gathering testimonies of climate harm to present to the International Court of Justice.

For more information and a map of Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s Ship Tour:


Pacific Voices for Climate Action: What is the Kioa Declaration? Mon, 07 Aug 2023 04:58:00 +0000 Greenpeace Australia Pacific joined civil society groups, Pasifika activists and climate leaders on the remote island of Kioa, Fiji, as part of a regional dialogue to progress key climate issues facing the region. Delegates discussed pressing climate issues facing Pacific communities, and progressed the design of a regional finance mechanism, the Kato Pacific Community Climate Fund. The Kato Fund is seen as a powerful vehicle to amplify the unique challenges and solutions small Pacific communities face, and an opportunity to strengthen collaboration across the region.
Greenpeace Australia Pacific joined civil society groups, Pasifika activists and climate leaders on the remote island of Kioa, Fiji, as part of a regional dialogue to progress key climate issues facing the region. Delegates discussed pressing climate issues facing Pacific communities, and progressed the design of a regional finance mechanism, the Kato Pacific Community Climate Fund. The Kato Fund is seen as a powerful vehicle to amplify the unique challenges and solutions small Pacific communities face, and an opportunity to strengthen collaboration across the region.

Understanding Pacific Voices for Climate Action

The Kioa Declaration is a landmark call for climate action, representing the collective voices of Pacific island nations. It emerged following a historic gathering of Pacific leaders, activists, and communities in Kioa Island, Fiji on 9 August 2023. The Declaration serves as a powerful demonstration of unity on the urgent need for climate action to protect the Pacific region and its people and culture from the devastating impacts of the climate crisis.

The Origin of the Kioa Declaration

The Kioa Declaration was born during a gathering of Pacific leaders and activists on the island of Kioa, Fiji. This island holds immense significance as a place where communities from Tuvalu sought refuge from rising sea levels and the immediate threat of climate impacts. Against the backdrop of this existential crisis faced by Pacific island nations, the leaders and communities united to amplify their call for climate justice and global climate action.

The Call for Climate Action

The Kioa Declaration is a powerful call for urgent climate action to safeguard the Pacific region and its people from the escalating impacts of climate change. It is a unified demand for:

  • Stronger Commitments: Pacific island nations are calling on the international community to enhance their commitments to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming to well below 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, as set out in the Paris Agreement.
  • Climate Finance: The declaration highlights the critical need for increased financial support from developed nations to assist Pacific island nations in their adaptation and resilience-building efforts to confront the climate crisis.
  • Loss and Damage Funding: recognising the adverse impacts already felt by Pacific communities, the Kioa Declaration demands dedicated funding mechanisms to address loss and damage caused by climate change.
  • Renewable Energy Transition: The declaration emphasises the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, ensuring a sustainable and clean energy future for the Pacific.

The Significance of the Kioa Declaration

The Kioa Declaration carries immense significance in the fight for climate justice. It represents the collective voice of Pacific island nations that have long been at the forefront of climate impacts despite contributing minimally to global emissions. This declaration is a call to action to the international community, and urges them to acknowledge and act upon their responsibility to support climate-vulnerable nations.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s Commitment to the Pacific Islands

Greenpeace Australia Pacific stands in solidarity with the Pacific island nations and supports the development of the Kioa Declaration. As an environmental organisation committed to climate justice and safeguarding the planet, we echo the call for urgent and ambitious climate action. We advocate for no new coal and gas projects, a rapid transition away from fossil fuels, an end to fossil fuel subsidies, increased climate finance, and dedicated funding to address loss and damage. By amplifying the voices of Pacific communities, we strive to create a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific stands united with the Pacific Islands in advocating for a just and sustainable future for all, recognising that the fight against climate change requires global solidarity and immediate action.

Together, we can stand shoulder to shoulder with our Pacific Island family in pursuit of climate justice and a safe future for generations to come.

​​Why is the Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior Touring the Pacific? Thu, 03 Aug 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Greenpeace Australia Pacific is embarking on an extraordinary journey with the iconic Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior, sailing across the Pacific. We are on a mission to share the untold stories of the Pacific and the solutions proposed by the region to combat the climate crisis. By engaging with communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis, we aim to amplify their voices and showcase the resilience, determination, and courage of Pacific peoples in the face of devastating climate impacts.

Pacific Rainbow Warrior Ship Tour - Welcome Ceremony in Vanuatu|Pacific Climate Justice
Arrival ceremony for the iconic Greenpeace vessel, the Rainbow Warrior.
The Rainbow Warrior arrives in Port Vila, Vanuatu after a nine day voyage from Cairns, Australia, with climate activists, Pacific campaigners and First Nations leaders.
The ship is welcomed into port by a traditional ceremony which included kenus and dancing, with those aboard greeted by members of civil society groups, local communities and Representatives from the government of Vanuatu.
As part of Greenpeace’s Pacific Ship Tour, the Rainbow Warrior will spend six weeks sailing around Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Fiji, bearing witness with communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and gathering evidence of climate harm to present to the world’s highest court.|

Sharing Pacific Stories with the World

The Pacific region is no stranger to the impacts of climate change, with hundreds of communities bearing the brunt of rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation. Through the Rainbow Warrior tour, we aim to take these powerful stories to the global stage, ensuring that the world hears the voices of those most affected. By sharing these experiences, we will raise awareness and foster international solidarity in the fight against climate change.

The Goal of the Ship Tour

The Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior Pacific tour aligns with our historic campaign to seek a world first advisory opinion on climate change from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the world’s highest court. Recently, the campaign achieved a significant milestone by gaining consensus in the UN General Assembly. Now, as the campaign advances to The Hague, we are using the Rainbow Warrior as a vessel to spotlight and compile Pacific stories and deliver them directly to the ICJ as evidence. We hope that these powerful stories will contribute to a strong advisory opinion being handed down by the court that prioritises justice for frontline communities around the world .

A Journey of Inspiration

The seeds of the historic campaign were sown in the stories and experiences of the Pacific peoples. These stories have served as a profound source of inspiration, and now, they play a vital role in steering the campaign towards a momentous conclusion. The Rainbow Warrior serves not only as a ship but also as a symbol of hope, resilience, and solidarity for the Pacific communities and the global climate justice movement.

The Itinerary: Exploring Climate-Impacted Islands

The Rainbow Warrior’s journey will take us to some of the most climate-impacted islands in the Pacific, where communities are facing the harsh realities of climate change. We will visit Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Fiji, and Kioa, witnessing firsthand the environmental challenges and exploring the innovative solutions these communities have devised to combat the crisis. By highlighting the origin of these global solutions in the Pacific, we seek to underscore the importance of supporting and implementing climate initiatives worldwide.

In Search of a Momentous Conclusion at the International Court of Justice

As the Rainbow Warrior sails across the Pacific, it carries not only the hopes and aspirations of Pacific communities but also the collective determination to secure climate justice for the entire planet. The stories shared during this tour will serve as a clarion call to the International Court of Justice, reminding them of the urgent need to take decisive action on climate change. We stand in solidarity with the Pacific, and call upon the International Court of Justice to deliver an advisory opinion that acknowledges the impact that climate change is having on fundamental human rights and provides a strengthened legal framework to protect them.

The Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior’s tour of the Pacific is not just a maritime journey; it is a voyage of advocacy,solidarity and urgency. As we engage with our Pasifika family on the frontlines of the climate crisis, we are committed to amplifying their voices and sharing their stories with the world. By bringing these stories to The Hague, we seek to propel the historic campaign for an advisory opinion on climate change to a momentous conclusion.

Together with Pasifika peoples and the global community, Greenpeace Australia Pacific will continue to fight for climate justice, to protect human rights, and to create an ecologically sustainable future for generations to come.

Join us on this transformative journey as we set sail to shape a better world.

Pacific Ship Tour Rainbow Warrior Map

Follow the Rainbow Warrior Pacific Tour

Plastic Free Future Tue, 25 Jul 2023 18:02:00 +0000 Single-use plastic is harmful to human health, perpetuates social injustice, destroys our biodiversity and fuels the climate crisis. We demand that governments commit to a strong Global Plastics Treaty that will stop runaway plastic production and use and ultimately end the age of plastic.

A crab was trapped inside a discarded Zagu milktea cup in Verde Island Passage, the epicenter of global marine biodiversity, in Batangas City, the Philippines.
A crab was trapped inside a discarded Zagu milktea cup in Verde Island Passage, the epicenter of global marine biodiversity, in Batangas City, the Philippines. © Noel Guevara / Greenpeace

We are living in a world that is being destroyed by throwaway plastic. Plastic pollution has flooded our planet, harming people’s health, accelerating social injustice, destroying biodiversity and fueling the climate crisis.

Science is only beginning to understand the long-term effects of plastic on human health, yet microplastics have been found in the air we breathe and the food we eat, and even in our organs and our blood. And communities on the frontlines of plastic production and waste are disproportionately affected by plastic pollution, social injustice,  and the climate crisis.

The fact is that 99% of plastic is made from oil and gas —  and big oil are making more and more each year. The full lifecycle of plastic harms livelihoods and the climate. Despite all of this, big oil, in league with big brands like Unilever, Nestlé and Coca-Cola, continue to promote false solutions and a throwaway single-use model where ‘convenience’ and corporate profits outweigh the cost to our communities.

But now, we have the opportunity to end the plastic crisis by pushing for a strong and ambitious Global Plastics Treaty that will end runaway plastic production and use. 

Governments around the world are now negotiating a Global Plastics Treaty – an agreement that could solve the planetary crisis brought by runaway plastic production.

A treaty that fails to deliver major reductions in plastic production and use will not solve the plastic crisis. Greenpeace, with our allies and supporters, demand an ambitious, legally-binding global plastics treaty that will cap and phase down plastic production and use, and ultimately end single-use plastic.

Greenpeace International together with artist and activist Benjamin Von Wong unveil a 5-metre tall art installation called the #PerpetualPlastic Machine on the banks of the Seine River on Saturday, May 27, 2023 to present a clear message: the Global Plastics Treaty must stop runaway plastic production and use. © Noemie Coissac / Greenpeace
Greenpeace International together with artist and activist Benjamin Von Wong unveil a 5-metre tall art installation called the #PerpetualPlastic Machine on the banks of the Seine River on Saturday, May 27, 2023 to present a clear message: the Global Plastics Treaty must stop runaway plastic production and use. © Noemie Coissac / Greenpeace

We demand a treaty that will keep oil and gas used to produce plastic in the ground and puts an end to big polluters’ relentless plastic production. The Global Plastics Treaty must be firmly rooted in a human rights-based approach that reduces inequalities between people, priorities on human health, protects the environment and ensures a just transition to a low-carbon, zero-waste, reuse-based economy that centres justice and the interests of communities most affected. A strong plastics treaty delivers a cleaner, safer planet for us and for future generations.

We know that the petrochemical industry, corporations and some governments will try to weaken the ambition of the Global Plastics Treaty, and here is where the battle truly begins. The Global Plastics Treaty is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to solve the plastics crisis. For the sake of our collective future, we must not waste this moment.

At the upcoming negotiations in coming years, we will show how an unstoppable global movement can achieve an ambitious Global Plastics Treaty that will turn off the plastics tap and finally, end the age of plastic – for our health, our communities, climate, and the planet.

Tuvalu Leaders And Community Welcome The Rainbow Warrior Sat, 22 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Greenpeace vessel the Rainbow Warrior has arrived in Funafuti, Tuvalu — the second stop on its Pacific Ship Tour.

Pacific Rainbow Warrior Ship Tour, Welcome Ceremony, Tuvalu
Greenpeace vessel the Rainbow Warrior has arrived in Funafuti, Tuvalu — the second stop on its Pacific Ship Tour.

Traditional paopao (canoes) escorted the arriving ship to shore, where those aboard were welcomed by the community of Tuvalu, civil society groups, and addressed by Representatives from the Government of Tuvalu including the Hon. Prime Minister Kausea Natano and the Hon. Minister for Finance and Climate Change Seve Paeniu. 

Tuvalu is one of the most climate-vulnerable nations in the world. With much of the country sitting at less than three metres in elevation, sea level rise and storm surges are not only leading to tidal inundation, food insecurity and cultural loss, but present an immediate threat to Tuvalu’s survival. 

During the visit, Greenpeace campaigners will meet with community and government leaders to listen and engage in discussion, and to learn how best to support Pacific climate demands. Greenpeace experts will continue gathering testimonies of climate harm to present to the world’s highest court as part of the historic, Pacific-led campaign for an advisory opinion at the International Court of Justice.

Greenpeace Senior Campaigner Sepesa Rasili said Greenpeace’s Pacific ship tour is centred on listening to climate-impacted communities across the region.

“We’re filled with deep gratitude to be welcomed so warmly to Tuvalu, a country of rich cultural heritage and unique traditions which are under threat from climate change,” he said.

“In the face of accelerating climate impacts, the people and leaders of Tuvalu have shown great courage, strength and leadership on the global stage, holding world leaders to account and driving solutions to the climate crisis.

“Greenpeace is here in Tuvalu to listen to our Pacific friends and to learn how we can best support and elevate their demands to protect their homes and their futures.”

Tuvalu made global headlines in 2021 at COP26 when Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Kofe addressed the UN conference while standing in knee-deep water — a stark reminder of the existential threat his country faces due to global failure to curb emissions.

Tuvalu is also looking to create a digital ‘twin’ of itself in the metaverse, a way to preserve the country’s unique culture, artefacts and identity in a virtual world before they are lost.

The third largest fossil fuel exporter in the world, Australia has vowed to ‘reset’ its relationship with the Pacific — something at odds with the vocal demands of Pacific nation leaders who are calling for an end to new fossil fuel projects. 

Greenpeace Senior Campaigner Steph Hodgins-May said the Australian government must put forward strong submissions to the International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion.

“Pacific nations have repeatedly affirmed climate change as the single greatest threat to the region,” she said. 

“New coal and gas projects are not compatible with a future for low lying communities in the Pacific, and in its submission to the International Court of Justice, the Australian Government must rule out any new fossil fuel projects and commit to paying its fair share of Loss and Damage compensation.”

More information including a map of Greenpeace’s Pacific Ship Tour can be found here:


Rainbow Warrior Arrives In The Pacific In Support Of Historic Climate Justice Campaign Wed, 05 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Iconic Greenpeace vessel the Rainbow Warrior today arrived in Port Vila, Vanuatu after a nine day voyage from Cairns, Australia with climate activists, Pacific campaigners and First Nations leaders.

Traditional dancers welcome Rainbow Warrior to Port Vila, Vanuatu (credit_ Island Roots _ Greenpeace)
Traditional dancers welcome Rainbow Warrior to Port Vila, Vanuatu (Credit: Island Roots / Greenpeace)

As part of Greenpeace’s Pacific Ship Tour, the Rainbow Warrior will spend six weeks sailing around Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Fiji, bearing witness with communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and gathering evidence of climate harm to present to the world’s highest court.

The ship was welcomed into port with a traditional ceremony and dancing, and those aboard were greeted by members of civil society groups, local communities and Representatives from the government of Vanuatu. Greenpeace Senior Campaigner Sepesa Rasili said:

“We’re excited to be welcomed so warmly back to Vanuatu, this time in support of a groundbreaking Pasifika-led campaign to take climate harm to the International Court of Justice.

“Greenpeace has a long and proud history of working alongside local communities to protect the oceans, lands, and people of the Pacific. We will use the Rainbow Warrior as a platform for discussion, talanoa and friendship, and to amplify the vision of Pasifika activists demanding greater action to protect the human rights of impacted communities across our region.”

Strengthening Australia’s relationship with the Pacific is contingent on real climate action, and Pacific nation leaders have repeatedly affirmed climate change as the single greatest threat to the region. Greenpeace Senior Campaigner Steph Hodgins-May said:

“Pasifika activists are making history through their campaign to take climate change to the world’s highest court. Communities around the world are uniting and using the law to hold governments to account after decades of failure to protect them from climate harm.

“Pacific nations are amongst the most climate-vulnerable, bearing the brunt of rising seas and extreme weather events. But Pacific Island people are some of the strongest voices holding world leaders to account, driving progressive global solutions and demanding urgent action to mitigate climate change.

“Australia can not reset its relationship with the Pacific while pouring billions of taxpayer dollars into fossil fuel subsidies, and greenlighting new coal, oil and gas developments that will directly harm Pacific nations.

“We can change the world if we change the law. We ask the Australian Government to make the strongest possible submission to the International Court of Justice as a statement of support for Pacific survival.”


Media assets

Images: Rainbow Warrior arriving, traditional welcome can be found here and generic photos of the Rainbow Warrior can be found here

Vision: Ship arriving, welcome ceremony, speeches can be found here from 4pm AEST

For more information and a map of Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s Ship Tour:
