Greenpeace activists have today scaled a 140-metre crane next door to Woodside’s headquarters, dropping a 25-metre banner reading “STOP WOODSIDE”, calling out the fossil fuel giant as Australia’s greatest climate threat.

If completed, the Burrup Hub would produce gas until 2070 – a full 20 years after Australia is meant to reach net zero emissions – and would emit 6.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions over its lifetime. The Browse Field – the most polluting part of the Burrup Hub – would see up to 50 gas wells drilled around Scott Reef off the coast of Western Australia, which is home to endangered pygmy blue whales and green turtles.
The protest comes as Woodside received approvals for its controversial seismic blasting off the coast of Western Australia, in endangered whale habitat and near the UNESCO-protected Ningaloo reef, just two months after a Federal Court threw out its previous approval.
Greenpeace is campaigning against fossil fuel giant Woodside as Australia’s biggest climate threat. It is responsible for the most polluting fossil fuel project proposed for Australia, the Burrup Hub gas project.
If completed, the Burrup Hub would produce gas until 2070 and would emit 6.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions over its lifetime. The Browse Field – the most polluting part of the Burrup Hub – would see up to 50 gas wells drilled around Scott Reef off the coast of Western Australia, which is home to endangered pygmy blue whales and green turtles.
Woodside received approvals for its controversial seismic blasting off the coast of Western Australia, in endangered whale habitat and near the UNESCO-protected Ningaloo reef, just two months after a Federal Court threw out its previous approval.
The four highly trained Greenpeace climbers began the ascent in the early hours of the morning, where they attached the banner in direct line of sight from the Woodside offices.
It comes as Woodside received approvals for its dangerous seismic blasting off the Pilbara coast, in endangered whale habitat and near the UNESCO-protected Ningaloo reef on Friday, just two months after a Federal Court threw out its previous approval.
“Fossil fuel giant Woodside and its monstrous Burrup Hub gas project are not only Australia’s biggest climate threat, but a huge threat to Australia’s precious whales and wildlife,” said David Ritter, Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s CEO.
“Woodside is a double whammy of destruction, endangering whales and Australia’s transition away from fossil fuels. Woodside is driving Australia deeper and faster into the climate crisis with its massive fossil fuel expansion plans. We won’t stand for it. We are here to say enough is enough.
“Australians overwhelmingly want climate action – but fossil fuel giants like Woodside is standing in the way, pushing outrageous new gas projects that threaten our oceans and cook our climate.”
New emissions data released last week from Greenpeace revealed that Woodside’s Burrup Hub is Australia’s biggest climate threat, projected to emit 6.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions over its proposed 50-year lifetime, bigger than the combined total of the next two largest proposed fossil fuel projects in Australia.
The Browse field, the most polluting part of the Burrup Hub, would see up to 50 gas wells drilled around the pristine Scott Reef, which is home to endangered pygmy blue whales and green turtles.
The action comes on the thematic day of Energy and Industry and Just Transitions at the world’s biggest climate conference, COP28, in Dubai.
“The world’s annual climate conference is happening right now, where experts are calling time on fossil fuel companies like Woodside, saying they cannot keep trashing our climate with dirty new gas projects. We want clean, green jobs in Australia, not more dirty gas,” said Sophie McNeill, Greenpeace senior campaigner.
“The recent approval for Woodside’s seismic blasting proves the current laws and regulations are failing to protect our oceans and marine life from harmful new fossil fuel projects. The law needs to be significantly strengthened to protect our oceans for future generations.”
Joe Palmer, a Greenpeace Australia Pacific activist who climbed the crane, said: “I’ve taken this action today because Woodside is threatening our oceans and our climate. I’ve seen the precious reefs at risk from Woodside’s drilling off the west coast and endured bushfires on the east coast. Australia should be proud of our nature and we should be proud to call ourselves a green energy superpower, but Woodside wants to chuck our reputation in the bin.
“Australia is already facing unprecedented and unseasonal bushfires and heatwaves because of global heating, fuelled by the burning of fossil fuels at the hands of companies like Woodside.
“Woodside needs to listen to the science. It’s on the wrong side of history. That’s why we need to stop Woodside.”
Greenpeace is calling on the Federal Government to reject Woodside’s Burrup Hub Proposal.
Photos and video of the protest will be uploaded here:
Contextual photos and b-roll available here:
The Burrup Hub will release over 6.1 billion tonnes of carbon emissions in its lifetime to 2070. You can find out more about Woodside’s proposed climate-wrecking gas plans here.