Woodside’s Browse gas project will be reviewed soon – it’s time to take action!
The clock is ticking both in Western Australia and Canberra. The clock signals our window of opportunity to stop something massive.

Woodside Energy has just asked the government to approve its plans for Browse, a monstrous gas field it wants to exploit off the coast of Broome. We only have a small window of time before Tanya Plibersek, the federal environment minister, decides whether to approve it.

Woodside’s destructive Browse gas plans would put rare pygmy blue whales and sea turtles at risk. © Brooke Pyke / Greenpeace
Browse gas sits under a beautiful coral reef that is home to amazing wildlife like whales and turtles. Drilling at Browse would put all of this at risk. We might be able to stop it before it gets started, but we need to act now. The way we can do this is by putting this topic on our MPs’ radar.
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Note: Even if your MP belongs to a different party, you can still send your message to Labor or Independent Senators from your state or territory. So go ahead and send your message!
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What Woodside is planning to do is really dangerous, and here’s why:
- They are planning to drill 50 wells and build a 900 kilometer underwater pipeline – all through critical habitat for sea turtles and rare pygmy blue whales.
- Browse is the key to Woodside’s Burrup Hub – Australia’s most climate polluting fossil fuel proposal. If completed, the Hub would produce 12 years’ worth of Australia’s current national emissions over its lifetime.
- The science is crystal clear – we can’t open up any new gas projects. Opening up new fossil fuel basins now will ruin our chances of keeping warming in line with 1.5˚C.
Woodside still needs other approvals before it even gets to the construction stage – so if thousands of us raise the alarm with our MPs now, Minister Plibersek will hear loud and clear that Australians don’t want this dirty project. Will you ask your MP or Senator to help block Browse?
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Ask your MP to block Browse
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People power has always been at the heart of our work. We know that if Labor and Independent MPs receive lots of messages from Australians on Woodside’s dirty project, they’ll be empowered to raise the issue with Minister Plibersek and encourage her to make the right choice – for our climate and wildlife.
We have a chance here to do something huge and protect our planet from a truly dangerous project. Make yourself heard and join us today in asking your MP to #BlockBrowse.