It’s time for a safe climate, clean air and energy independence.
It’s time to Electrify.
Global reliance on fossil fuels is destroying our health, our environment and our climate. We need to urgently switch our homes, businesses and transport off coal, oil and gas and onto renewable electricity - powered by the sun and wind.
Transport is one of the biggest sources of climate pollution in Australia - it alone counts for almost one-fifth of our total emissions! - and it's only growing. The need to electrify our transport system has never been more urgent.

It’s time for electric transport
Polluting petrol cars are choking our cities, hurting our health and fuelling the climate crisis. But it doesn't have to be this way.
More bikes, more walking and better public transport is a critical part of the picture, but we can also help solve our big transport problem with a big transport solution: clean, affordable electric transport for all Australians.
Australians are crying out for cleaner electric vehicles but, because big car companies and previous governments have blocked electric cars, Australia is falling behind the rest of the world. It’s time to ensure safer, cleaner and cheaper climate solutions for everyone.

Race to clean car standards
Fuel efficiency standards will cut pollution, and improve accessibility of electric vehicles for all Australians.
But Australia is currently at the back of the global queue for cleaner cars. Sign the petition to make electric solutions affordable to all.

Drive political action
Your local MP can steer Australia’s electric transport into the fast lane but they need to know it’s important to you.
Do you know your MPs stance on EVs, emissions standards and cutting pollution from our roads? Find out now.

Get Toyota out of the slow lane
Toyota is one of the biggest and most trusted car makers in Australia but they've been working around the world to slow the shift to electric vehicles.
Will you send Toyota a loud and clear message: stop holding back climate action and get on board with the transition to electric vehicles.

Get Corporate Australia to electrify their fleets!
Nearly 4.5 million vehicles on our roads are owned by businesses. Electrifying corporate fleets is a crucial step to speed up our transition to clean electric vehicles.
Check out what companies are stuck in the slow lane and send them a message to hurry them up!
Join the campaign
Your voice is important to help us steer Australia in the right direction towards cleaner, accessible transport for everyone. Jump on board the campaign, let’s get to work!
Electrify | Join the Campaign
By signing, Greenpeace Australia Pacific may contact you with campaign updates and how you can get more involved. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your information is safe and secure with us – for more information please see our privacy policy.
Find out more
There’s a lot to understand about electric vehicles, fuel efficiency standards and how they can fight climate change, so we’ve laid it all out for you.

1 March 2023
EV Myths Busted
It can be tough to separate fact from fiction when it comes to electric vehicles. Especially when Big Oil is busy spreading disinformation to confuse and mislead. This video series on EV disinformation will cut through the confusion and give you the truth about electric cars. From range anxiety to battery life, we've got you covered!

11 October 2022
How do we clean up Australia’s transport?
Giving Australians the cleaner transport options they want and need. Our transport sector is the 3rd largest source of greenhouse pollution - and it's growing. How does the transport sector put emissions into reverse and clean up its act?

11 October 2022
Fossils belong in a museum
Why electrifying our transport is the way forward. We need to make the switch from fossil fuels to electric vehicles - find out more about electric vehicles and how they will help bring down our transport emissions.

11 October 2022
Time for a policy pit-stop
Why Australia is getting left behind in the race to electrify its transport? All around the world the uptake of electric vehicles are hitting record numbers and growing, so why is Australia at the back of the grid when it comes to electric vehicle ownership?

22 August 2022
What is a Fuel Efficiency Standard (FES)?
Fuel efficiency standards are rules that require vehicle manufacturers to reduce the amount of pollution from the vehicles they sell. The standards put a limit on the total average emissions across all cars sold by each manufacturer, incentivising the development and sale of more efficient vehicles, to balance out the sale of more polluting vehicles.
Still have questions about Electrify or the green credentials of electric vehicles?
Head over to our FAQs to find out more.
Start your (electric) engines
August 2022
Greenpeace officially launched the Electrify campaign with a petition calling on Climate Change & Energy Minister Chris Bowen to bring in standards to clean up transport.
Time for a road trip
August 2022
The Greenpeace team, including Campaign Director Lindsay Soutar, drove an electric van to Canberra to attend the first National EV Summit and meet with Minister Bowen’s office.
Removing the roadblocks
September 2022
Together with our colleagues in Greenpeace East Asia, we released two reports exposing Toyota’s international record of blocking action that could clean up transport emissions.
Assembling our pit crew
October 2022
An amazing team of volunteers joined us to start their training on how to lobby their local MPs and Senators, calling for vital fuel emissions standards to clean up Australian transport.
Opening the fleet gates
March 2023
A new stage of the campaign is launched, with a focus on encouraging businesses to transition their fleets to renewable powered electric vehicles.
Politically correct
March 2023
On our Electrify Lobby Day, 20 Greenpeace supporters met with their local MPs to advocate for a strong fuel efficiency standard.
Shopping around
April-May 2023
Our high voltage supporters took action to encourage Australia's biggest supermarkets to commit to clean transport.
The Fresh Fleet People
June 2023
In a huge campaign win, Woolworths is the first supermarket to make a commitment to 100% electric delivery trucks.

March 2023
Greenpeace Australia Pacific's submission for the National Battery Strategy.
The rare-earth minerals used in the construction of batteries have been tied to serious environmental harms as well as labour and community rights violations. The solution for Australia is to focus on minimising those harms as much as possible. Read Greenpeace's recommendations for managing the externalities involved in a scale-up of battery production and use here.

31 May 2023
Greenpeace Australia Pacific's submission for the National Fuel Efficiency Standard Consultation
You can read our submission here, where we make the case for a strong fuel efficiency standard that gets Australians into electric vehicles sooner - so we can all enjoy cleaner air, cheaper transport and the transcendent joy of eliminating fossil fuels from our weekly budget.

31 October 2022
Greenpeace Australia Pacific's submission to the National Electric Vehicle Strategy
The top priority of Australia's National Electric Vehicle strategy must be the urgent and rapid reduction of emissions from the transport sector. This requires at least a 74% reduction in domestic emissions by 2030 on 2005 levels and net zero by 2035. Read more of Greenpeace's consultation paper here.
Power the Campaign
Greenpeace does not accept money from corporations or governments, allowing us to remain fiercely independent in our investigations. Donating regularly is the most effective way you can support the Electrify campaign.